Our weekly & monthly rhythms, expressed in 3 “mission movements”:
+ Gathered
There’s just nothing like getting the whole ‘family’ together! Undoubtedly the most recognizable rhythm in the life of any local church is the weekend gathering for worship and teaching. To gather together as a whole community – to worship in song, sit under strong biblical teaching and to share in the communion of the Lord’s Supper together – is one of the most uplifting and powerful expressions of our corporate life in Christ. The Sunday Gathering, however, is not the sum total of what it means to BE the CHURCH. The church “Gathered" (when it is possible to gather) exists to encourage, equip, and empower the Church “Scattered” and “Called”.
Our “Gatherings” take place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 10:00am at the rochester hill campus of the rochester city blessing church (159 rochester hill rd.)
Come for the singing. Come for the teaching. Come to be introduced to to Jesus, and the community of faith, perhaps for the first time. Seeking? Cynical? A follower of Jesus, looking for a place to worship and serve? We’d love to have you join us!
+ scattered
In spite of our affinity for large gatherings of the faithful, we believe that the Church is - fundamentally - SMALL. Historically, and globally, the Church has been built upon rapidly reproducing, household-based, disciple-making, mission fellowships. We believe that the Church flourishes as Jesus intends where and when the “priesthood” of all believers is allowed to flourish. EVERY follower of Jesus, a bearer of the Spirit. Every person called. Every person empowered for Kingdom mission, wherever the Lord has placed them. This is how the Church has reached - and will reach - the world! As such, we regard the OUTPOST micro-church expression to be the fundamental building block of our mission/strategy/structure. Our aim is to see the regular multiplication of outposts, yielding the periodic multiplication of Gatherings, all in the context of a commitment to the intentional making, maturing and multiplying of wholehearted followers of Jesus, such that we might see a genuine disciple-making, church-planting movement sparked here, in northern New England.
Our TABLE GROUPS are neighborhood-centric “house church” style outposts of 15-20 folks, focused on shared meals, in-depth interaction with scripture, prayer, and on the daily, street-level expressions of church life. We’re so committed to the value of getting our whole community involved at this level that we actually give two whole Sundays a month to “Table” groups.
Table groups take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in various locations, including at our "gathering" location, 159 Rochester Hill rd.
We all know that life is too busy, and we prefer that the individuals and families that make up The Commons aren’t being asked to run out to church-related programs and meetings every night of the week. We’d prefer to see folks set free to be present with family, friends, and available for service out in the community. As such we’re not asking anyone to give up another day, or weeknight, in order to fully participate in the community life of The Commons.
+ Called
Central to our VALUES as a community is the conviction that every follower of Jesus is CALLED into participation with the redemptive, healing purposes of Jesus and the work of his Kingdom in the world. Compelled by the eternal hope of Christ’s ultimate victory over all things evil, broken and mournful, we are set free to serve and labor with joy in the midst of the messiness of our world – our families, workplaces, neighborhoods and cities. We wholeheartedly believe in what scripture describes as the “priesthood of ALL believers”: it is not a question of IF we are called by Christ, but only TO WHOM / WHAT / WHERE we are called! Our circumstances, gifts, personalities and history work together, in the grace and redeeming power of Christ, to shape what the CALLING that the Spirit of the Lord will look like each of us, uniquely and personally.
As we are CALLED, so we are sent to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.