Brothers and sisters... Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
— Romans 12:1-2

Who are you becoming, today?

As human beings we are ever and always on a journey of becoming. Our life is the day-by-day, unfolding story of our FORMATION. The question is: What (or who) are we being formed BY, and what (or who) are we being formed INTO? There are countless forces and voices in the world that will vie to determine our sense of identity, value, trajectory and place, and these forces will ultimately act upon us whether or not we happen to be paying attention. According to a study by Duke University, as much as 40% of the actions we take every day are not a result of active choices we are making, but are the product of - largely unconscious - HABITS. Considering the role that culture, media, the marketplace and technology take in shaping the habits of our days (and thereby shaping US), Justin Whitmel Earley reflects:

We are all living according to a specific regimen of habits, and those habits shape most of our life. A habit is a behavior that occurs automatically, over and over, and often unconsciously.... But just because we don’t choose our habits doesn’t mean we don’t have them. On the contrary, it usually means someone else chose them for us, and usually that someone doesn’t have our best interests in mind.

- Justin Whitmel Earley, “The Common Rule”

Scripture tells us that we have been CREATED in the image of God, ENLIVENED by God’s own spirit, and that we are CALLED as followers of Jesus to live into the truth and joy of that divine image-bearing - called to resemble CHRIST - more and more with each passing day; by grace, rooted in love, through the invitation and empowering of that very Holy Spirit. The question is: how do our HABITS, the nuts-and-bolts “stuff” and structure of our daily lives, reflect this calling?

Rule of Life: A “Trellis” For Freedom and Fruitfulness

A Christian “Rule of Life” is a framework for approaching our journey of formation in Christ with intentionality, practically considering how our days and habits might lead us into deepening communion with Jesus. The most well known “rules” in history come to us through monastic communities, such as those established by Saint Benedict and Saint Augustine. While these historic, monastic rules might be a little heavy on the minutiae and overwhelming for the average, non-cloistered follower of Jesus today, their intent remains relevant: to aid the community of faith in daily growing in the way of LOVE: learning and practicing and abiding in the love of God, and love of neighbor.

The word, “Rule” - while afflicted with some baggage in our highly individual and freedom-centric culture ( I mean, who likes rules? ) - actually comes to us in English from the Latin word “regula”, which meant something more along the lines of “trellis”: a framework upon which tended vines could be free to grow and bear more and healthier fruit. As such, a “Rule of Life” is ultimately just a tool for building some healthy structure into our spiritual lives, a trellis for our formation, growth and fruitfulness.

To be clear: In gardening terms, the trellis can never be confused with the SOIL ( the unconditional love of God, in which we abide ), or the SEED ( the Word of God, written and incarnate ). Apart from these things, divorced from rootedness in Love, Word and Spirit, any “rule” will be just a dead frame, an opportunity for legalism and/or shame to develop. But, bearing this caution in mind, there is much to be gained in developing a plan for life-giving, time-tested spiritual practices for our journey in the way of Jesus, together.

An (un)Common Rule: growing, Together

While we perhaps most often think of faith in individual terms ( i.e. “personal” faith ), our journey of Christian formation is actually never undertaken alone. Created in the image of the eternally “relational” God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - we are inherently relational beings; we have been created for community, made to understand ourselves properly, grow into maturity, and exercise our gifts in concert with one another. As such there is power to be found in a “Common Rule”, or shared foundational set of practices, across a community of faith.

As a collection of faith communities, The Commons has curated a shared rule (or “trellis”) of eight selected spiritual practices, organized under four “directions” of Christian formation, that we invite our community to consider participating in together.


Worship: Created & Called to be WITH Jesus

When we look at the worship scenes in the book of Revelation we see that, in the end, all of life is ultimately about Jesus: He’s where we’ve come from, and his presence is where we’re headed. And so, in WORSHIP, we declare and practice that trajectory of our lives.

upward Practices:

1.) Connect with God each morning: PRAYER before phone, SCRIPTURE before news, email, etc.

2.) Weekly Sabbath & Corporate Worship: Rest from work and Rest in God (Pray, and Play)


Healing/Formation: Created & Called to be LIKE Jesus

When we look at the letters of the Apostle John, we see his exhortation for the people of God to “practice righteousness”, because “we know that when (Jesus) appears we shall be LIKE him, because we shall see him as he is…” We have been made, saved, and called to be LIKE Jesus; and this comes by grace, and PRACTICE.


1. Fasting: Submitting appetites to catalyze prayer. 12-24 hour fast once per week? Limiting our indulgence in escapist behaviors.

2. Evening Examen: Where did you “see” God ( feel joy, peace, presence )? Where did you “miss” God ( feel hopeless, lost, or far from God )? Reflect and pray.


Mission: Created, Called & Sent BY Jesus.

Growing to be more like Jesus involves GOING into the places/relationships that he calls us to go, as conduits of his love to others. Demonstrating AND Announcing Kingdom of God as GOOD NEWS for the world; including - and perhaps especially - for those whom the world has discarded or devalued.


1.) Hospitality / Table fellowship: who are we “NEIGHBORING” AND serving through our loving, listening, welcoming presence?

2.) Missional Prayer: pray for our neighbors, and for God’s leading/empowering as we seek to bear his love forth in the world.


Fellowship: Created & Called to be TOGETHER, in Christ.

As we consider the letters to the churches in the New Testament, we come away with a very clear message: There is no version of following Jesus that, properly understood, does not involve meaningful, substantive, genuine relationships within and alongside a community of other Christ-followers. To be “in Christ” MEANS being in it together. To be in it, WITH and for one another.


1.) Generosity: being “in it together” means bearing one another’s burdens, investing our resources for the glory of god and good of our neighbors.

2.) Vulnerability: time + vulnerability = genuine friendship. who are the brothers or sisters in christ who (really) know you? put time with those friends, and substantive conversation, on your calendar.