Summer's End

Dear Friends,

Though it may be difficult to believe, the last week of August is upon us. Daylight is waning, the night air in the Great North Woods is crisp and cool; a harbinger of weather soon to greet us here, just a few hours to the south. Fall is on the way!

Along with the inevitable turn in the weather comes the return of the more predictable rhythms of life. The arrival of Labor Day, the reopening of schools, the laying out of new goals for the working year ahead, the turning over of the wardrobe; all familiar markers of the new season that is upon us. Though we may naturally mourn leaving the warm and easygoing days of summer behind, there's something invigorating about the way in which September calls us back to rhythms and work, isn't there? In the economy of our Creator, work and rest are always held in healthy tension and balance; one breathes life and meaning into the other. In New England, the crisp air of Fall inspires us to renewed discipline and productivity in a manner that, if we have rested well during the summer, is a holy and life-giving thing.

Here at The Commons, we look forward to this Fall, and all the ways in which God will challenge, stretch and bless us in the months ahead! We look forward to seeing the "family" brought back together again for worship, as we re-launch our "Gatherings" in our usual location at the Rochester Middle School on September 4th. We look forward to the prospect of seeing new Table Groups established, neighborhoods reached, and Kingdom service engaged with throughout our region.

Be sure not to miss out: More than ever, this Fall, The Commons is on the move!

Every Blessing,
Pastor Chris

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