"Town Hall Sunday", 8/28.

Dear Friends,

As the Bannon’s returned from our sabbatical just a week ago now, I confess that we have missed our church family these past few months! The time "away" was a gift and now we look forward to reconnecting with you all, and to our shared journey as a community in Christ. What a blessing it was to be together yesterday, to see one another, and to celebrate the baptism of EIGHT children of the Lord, bearing witness to the genuine work of the Spirit in each of their lives! Such an honor, and such a joy. I couldn’t imagine a better first Sunday “back”.

And now, with you all - whether we are ready to admit it or not - our family is preparing for the transition from Summer, to FALL 2022. A new season is before us, not just meteorologically, but for our family rhythms and calendars and in the life of our church as well. Our shared ministry turned eight years old this past Spring, and we have begun to consider what it looks like for us to move forward with a sense of intention, learning and building and growing for the NEXT 8-10 years of Kingdom work. We ask: What has the Lord been doing in our midst? What have we learned thus far? What are the present challenges? Where do we sense the Spirit leading us?

Coming out of sabbatical and summer, coming out of more than two years (!) of pandemic-related upheaval and paralysis and turmoil, in the midst of ongoing global uncertainty and national tension and ideological social and personal conflict, this new season stands before us and the Spirit of God calls us all the while, “further up and further in” to the Way of Jesus and His Kingdom. What will this require of us? What will this look like? As a community, what lessons and strengths born of our journey thus far might we revisit? What opportunities and efforts might we rekindle? What NEW things - ideas, expressions and challenges - ought to be considered or anticipated? What weaknesses and pitfalls ought we take care to watch out for? Regarding this calling and these questions , we want to hear from YOU.

THIS coming Sunday, (8/28, 10am-12pm, Rochester Hill Road) in lieu of our normal “Table” rhythm we are inviting all of our Outposts and our partners to come together for a “Town Hall Sunday”, roundtable discussion on the vision, ministry and state of The Commons, that we might prayerfully, in unity, and with expectation in the Spirit step into the season ahead.

On Sunday we will come together as partners in the Kingdom work and movement that is The Commons for a time of worship, prayer, fellowship, and an open conversation about the present Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing our community and our shared calling. To the extent that we may, by virtue of our Outpost-centered values and structures, individually struggle to appreciate the true breadth of our shared community and work, and to the extent that is easy to occasionally lose our sense of connection with the movement and community as a whole, it is valuable to come together from time to time; to hear from one another, to pray with one another, and to discern and seek the Lord with one another for our best and most faithful way forward as a body.

Your voice matters. Your experience and gifts and sense of calling in Christ matters. As a community, a ministry, a family and a movement, we are who we are TOGETHER. So, mark your calendars, join us in prayer as we seek the Lord for wisdom and grace for the season ahead, and be sure to come out this Sunday, 10am at our Rochester Hill Road campus. See you there!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Chris

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