One, BIG (New, Life, Love, True) God Story.

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Hello, Friends!

If you've been around The Commons for any length of time now, you know that when it comes to our journey with Jesus together in scripture, we like to go deep AND wide! Just this past Sunday we wrapped up a few months in which we meditated together on the Psalms, and this week in our Table Groups we embark upon a whole NEW "long-form" course of study and teaching as a community. 

We'll be calling this new series "God : Story". And, between now and next September we will be working our way through the whole of scripture(!), Genesis to Revelation, drawing out the big-picture themes of the "grand narrative" of salvation history. 

We get it: The Bible is a big, often confusing book (Or, more appropriately, a COLLECTION of books) How does it all fit together? What does it all mean? What does it mean for us, today? In this series, we'll seek to answer these questions by looking at the Bible as one, BIG story with six different "Chapters":

1.) Creation (Kingdom, Established)
2.) Fall (Kingdom in Rebellion)
3.) Israel (The King's People: Part I)
4.) Jesus (The King Comes)
5.) Church (The King's People: Part II)
6.) New Creation (The King Comes Again)

The story that scripture is telling runs as deep and wide as eternity itself. And, not just TELLING, but inviting us INTO: there are actually pages of this volume which belong to us! Where is our place in the yet-unfolding story of the Bible, and even history itself? What is the part WE are being invited to play, even now? It is when we begin to appreciate the "big picture" of where history has BEEN - what God has done, what he is doing, and what He has promised to do - that we come to better know who we are, where all of this is HEADED, and why our own part in all of this genuinely matters.

This Sunday in our Table Groups, we begin... at the Beginning(!), with the creation account in Genesis 1. 

If you've not yet connected with a Table Group - Or even not yet visited The Commons at all - not to worry: we'd love to have you, and you can "jump in" any time! Whether it's a "Table" or "Gathering" Sunday, you'll always be able to find us at the Rochester Performance & Arts Center (32 North Main St.) at 10:00am, every Sunday. Just show up! It'd be a blessing to have you join us.

I invite you: Don't miss out on this rich journey ahead of us! Let's enjoy, press in together, and take full advantage of our "deep dive" into the big story of the scripture over these months ahead! 

Every Blessing,
Pastor Chris

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